Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Aloeride Helping The Heart

One of the most important health challenges of our time is the preventing of hardening of the arteries. Hardening of the arteries is one of the major consequences of aging. Fortunately now days there are a number of things, which can be done, to prevent and in some cases reverse arteriosclerosis or hardening of the arteries.

Because of the aloe, Aloeride can benefit the circulatory system. Aloe lowers triglycerides and LDL or the “bad cholesterol” and raises HDL the “good cholesterol”. Several studies have shown when aloe is added to the diet, symptoms and signs of coronary artery disease disappeared. The people in the study never developed heart problems. The same studies noted patients were able to discontinue their prescriptions of the pills they had taken the in past for chest pain, blood pressure and blood sugar control.

A study done in 1985 before the information regarding aloe vera and Aleride was known used 5,000 people with acknowledged coronary artery disease and angina pectoris, which is chest pain on physical exertion, which indicates a lake of circulation of blood to the heart muscles, were fed with aloe vera added to their diet. The results were no more signs of angina pectoris, no development of lethal heart attacks and prescription drugs were no longer needed to control symptoms, but didn’t cure them.

Hardening of the arteries is a complex disease, which involves microscopic damage to small and large arteries alike. Hardened plague lines the arteries. When the small arteries have a plague line, which builds up, the smaller the passageway making blood circulation difficult. The organs and tissues needing the blood and the oxygen are deprived, which causes damage to the organs and tissue due to the lack of oxygen and blood, and the build up of carbon dioxide and other toxic waste, which should be carried away by the arteries.

When the coronary arteries are blocked, blood no longer flows freely; it will sludge through the arteries. With physical exertion the heart muscle needs more oxygen. When it request for more oxygen and blood is not delivered, a heart muscle is damaged and it dies. When the heart muscles dies, it is called a heart attack. If the right muscle of the heart dies, the person will die instantly.

By reducing the platelet stickiness, Aloe vera alleviates the coronary syndrome the same thing aspirin and Plavex are currently used for. The usual job for the platelet is blood clotting to stop bleeding when blood vessels are injured. When the platelets become sticky more than normal, the platelet will form a clot in a blood vessel whose walls are lined with too much plaque. Sometimes it will permanently shut off the blood flow through that artery or blood vessel.

The clotting can cause damage to the tissue of the brain by causing a stroke and kidneys in people with hardening of the arteries and those with diabetes. The diabetes will accelerate the process of small vessel disease and the damage to organs and tissues.

Aloe vera has the ability to reduce platelet stickiness and decrease the inflammation caused by microvascular injury. It reduces the build up and can even reverse the hardening of the arteries as well as prevent it

Friday, June 20, 2008

Aloeride Helps Your Immune System

Aloeride with the compounds of Aloe Barbarensis Miller works to improve the functioning of the immune system. When looking at the immune system, you will see it is almost as complex as your nervous system. When you think about the trillions of cells, which make up our bodies and how they work to protect us using a method of communication to all the different cell types, which makes up just our immune system. These cells will then activate or deactivate chemical processes, which is all quite confusing to most lay persons.

The immune system’s basic job is to discriminate between self and non-self entities, which is to say things that belong and those that don’t belong. Examples of some the things, which do not belong are sugar protein covering a virus, or the cell wall of a bacterium. When the immune system is working correctly, it will react promptly to invading things, which do not belong in several different ways in order to get rid of the foreign body. There are times during the course of our life when our immune system will stop working, as it should. When this happens the immune system will be unable to tell the difference between the things, which belong and those, which don’t and will begin to eject the things, which do belong and are necessary to the body.

This group of diseases is known as the autoimmune disease. Examples of this type of disease are rheumatoid arthritis, lupus erythematosis, and ulcerative colitis just to name a few. When a substance has been identified as an immune booster, we have found something, which is very valuable because it helps the immune system to react as it should and regulates the cellular and humoral immune functions.

The immune system recognizes, identifies and remembers the things it comes across. The humoral refers to material, which is dissolved in plasma, serum, extracellular fluid spaces, which includes what the immune system cells produce as a reaction to certain signals made by invaders and then released into the serum, plasma or the fluid surrounding cells of tissues and organs as a way to protect them. These substances are a form of signals, which create other effects, or they can become protein molecules, which are also known as antibodies, which attach themselves only to certain targets the ones they were created for. Once they have attached themselves the antibody attracts other cells of the immune system. The other come and the target is destroyed, which then releases another molecules to signal other cells to come clean-up the mess.

All the cells, which respond to signal and have certain tasks to perform such as identify, recognize, remember, signal, destroy, and clean up are the all part of the cellular community of the immune system and its function. Without the work of these cells we would be sick a lot more often than we are. Aloeride is a substance, which gives our immune system the boost it needs to ensure it stays in good working order.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Aloeride. Probiotics, and Overtraining

The exercise bug has bit many of us in the world today, but some of us will go overboard. You may know them, they are at the gym 3 or 4 times a week giving it their all. Many people who are training 3 or 4 times a week could experience overtraining.

Overtraining can be described as burnout or chronic fatigue. It is an imbalance of physical and psychological training or competition. Early stages of overtraining can be from too much exertion and no enough breaks. This is called the orthosympathetic form. In the advanced stages your orthosympathetic form is exhausted, which allows the parasympathetic system to become dominant.

The orthosympathetic overtrainee is in a permanent fight or flight mode, which should be incidental challenges where the adrenal gland will pump out hormones like adrenaline, noradrenaline and cortisol while raising the human growth hormone and stimulating the thyroid hormone. These glands are the spinters of the group of glands; they are not designed to cope with the longevity of a marathon.

The parasympathetic overtrainee will mimic some of the symptoms of Addison’s disease. Some times it is referred to as Addisonoid overtraining. The adrenal glands are exhausted and they fail to regulate hormonal concentrations correctly, which causes a serious problem. If routine blood work were to be performed on the overtrainee, it is likely to show progressive anemia with low hemoglobin and low hematocrit.

The overtrainee will complain of underperformance while other common symptoms are susceptibility to common infections and injuries, persistent high level of fatigue, heavy muscles and depression. The athlete’s reaction to underperformance is to train more rather than rest. Many times symptoms will be ignored until performance is affected on a regular basis.

Additional symptoms of overtraining is having trouble going to sleep or waking up in the middle of the night or waking up un-refreshed. Other symptoms can include the loss of appetite, loss of weight, loss of their competitive drive, increased emotional instability such as anxiety, depression and mental exhaustion, a poor attitude to training and musculoskeletal soreness.

There is a simple do-it-yourself method of monitoring. You can do this by checking your morning heart rate. Take your pulse immediately after you wake up while you are still in bed. If your pulse is elevated by more than 8 beats per minute above its average, you are falling into overtraining.

You can also check your morning body weight; your average weight for the week should not vary more than 2lbs. If it drops more than 3lbs. on any given day, you are falling into overtraining.

To correct your condition, the first thing you need to do is to lower your stress load and increase your down time. In severe cases, the athlete should stop training for 7-14 days. Increase the amount of sleep to about 9 hours of solid sleep a night and increase your antioxidant intake to 200%.

You will also need to combine a whole food diet and Aloeride and probiotics. Many athletes have trained for 3 or 4 times per week without giving their bodies the fuel it requires to continue with that amount of training. Improving the immune system of the athletes help reduce the number and the length of the infection they may receive. Aloeride along with probiotics will do just that.

Anyone suffering from an imbalance between physical and psychological stress should change their balance and use Aloeride, probiotics and highly absorbable whole food nutrition to recover.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Go Green - Go Aloeride!

The world’s consciousness about preservation, recycling, and investment in our environmental future has exploded over the last few years. And nowhere in the world is this more evident than among celebrities in Hollywood. Many celebrities and others in the entertainment industry are leading the way by adopting a total Green-friendly lifestyle.

It has suddenly become very chic to GO GREEN in absolutely everything! In L.A. there are Green spas, Green furniture, Green stores, Green gifts, Green kiddie parties, and even an eco-friendly Green limo service for celebs. Electric and hybrid cars have literally taken over the freeways of Southern California—replacing the giant SUV’s and trucks of the very recent past.

And if you still insist on driving into the parking lot of a Whole Foods supermarket in a gas guzzling SUV, you better be prepared to receive cold hard stares or even a full blown lecture from a complete stranger (or a celebrity,) on the errors of your ways! And for heaven’s sake don’t forget your recyclable clothe tote when you go shopping, because plastic bags are simply not available! So, in L.A. if you don’t participate in Green then as Heidi Klum says, “You’re (definitely) Out!”

But, this new found consciousness really does go far deeper. It is an appreciation of just how delicate our environment is, how it needs to be respected, cared for and nurtured. And as we move more fully into understanding our responsibility to the planet, we are also becoming even more acutely aware of the urgency to address the damage sustained to our own internal environment.

Celebs and others have been flocking en masse to spas (especially Green ones) in a quest to eliminate the toxins and repair cells from stress and pollution. But there is an honest recognition that external and topical treatments and even eating totally organic, are still limiting in what they can achieve. So the question becomes, what more can you do to help create a more perfect eco-balanced internal environment?

A healthy place where all your internal organs can operate cleanly, efficiently and be fed the nutrients they need and love most? The search is on in Hollywood for the purist, closest to nature products which will realistically deliver on their promise to naturally feed, restore and replenish internally. There is one such product receiving tremendous buzz that is not based on hype but on clinical facts and extensive research. This product which has definitely risen far above the rest and is exceeding expectations is called Aloeride®. Made in England, Aloeride® is a powerful and by far the purest, derivative of that very worshiped GREEN plant Aloe Vera. And as everyone, especially in health conscious Hollywood knows, aloe vera contains the most potent healing elements planet earth has to yield. Aloeride® is the only aloe vera product in the world which is produced to pharmaceutical standards and which has successfully captured the very best active ingredients, placing them in a food supplement form without compromise. Aloeride® has effectively taken out the elements which can cause a laxative effect and delivers over 300 types of molecules in their highest concentration directly into your blood stream via a very small swallow-friendly capsule. It is 100% hypoallergenic so there are no side effects even for the most food sensitive. Aloeride® is truly a Green product in every sense of the word.

Created to heal and sustain, its elements deliver life and health to every cell within the body - restoring from the inside out. Celebrities and many other eco-conscious warriors have now got it right. Not only are they contributing to building a healthier planet, they have found a genuine Green supplement to help build a healthier internal environment as well. And Aloeride® even comes in a little GREEN box!

Aloe Vera & Asthma

Asthma affects one in four people on average and is present in all age groups. Asthma symptoms include wheezing, an overproduction of mucus and excessive coughing. The symptoms are the result of muscular over activity causing inflammation and mucus production. It can be triggered by allergies, emotions or stress. Most people have warning signs that an attack is coming on and can treat it with prescription medications such as Albuterol.

This disease is frightening and can force people to change how they live to avoid attacks. Some people have to avoid stress, dust or allergens, which is virtually impossible to achieve 100% of the time. Most asthmatics get attacks regularly regardless of how many prescription medications they take and how much they avoid triggers. Though asthma is not curable, the good news is that some children grow out of it. But those that don’t are usually on the hunt for anything that can help.

What if there was a way to naturally reduce the chances you will suffer from an asthma attack? One study in 2005 found that 57% of the asthmatics studied found more relief from a combination of conventional and natural treatments, than prescription medicines alone. One of the natural treatments being used was aloe vera. This is not surprising because there are published studies on the benefits of aloe vera for asthma from as far back as 1951 to more recently in the mid 1980’s.

Aloe vera contains natural steroids and other compounds that inhibit or reduce inflammation. Interestingly, the studies done in Japan in the 1980’s showed that some compounds in aloe cause in increase in the removal of particles that may be asthma triggers. This is one explanation for how aloe helps asthmatics. Aloe vera should not be used to treat an ongoing asthma attack though because it has only been shown to be effective when used as a preventative measure. So even if you use aloe and it helps, still keep your inhaler nearby for attacks.

One issue that many people have with aloe vera products is the natural laxative effect. This may be a plus for some but for many people it’s a huge drawback. Fortunately, one brand of aloe pills, Aloeride® aloe vera capsules, has removed the issue completely. Their aloe vera pills do not contain the portion of the plant responsible for the laxative effect. Plus, Aloeride® is pharmaceutical quality and is manufactured to be as pure as possible. Aloeride® is privately prescribed by doctors and therapists but also can be purchased securely via the internet, click here to visit


Clement YN, Williams AF, Aranda D, Chase R, Watson N, Mohammed R, Stubbs O, Williamson D. Medicinal herb use among asthmatic patients attending a specialty care facility in Trinidad. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 2005 Feb 15; 5:3.

Ianovitskii MG. Treatment of bronchial asthma with the extract of aloe leaves. Sovetskaia Meditsina. 1951 Feb; 2:27-9.

Shida T, Yagi A, Nishimura H, Nishioka I. Effect of Aloe extract on peripheral phagocytosis in adult bronchial asthma. Planta Med. 1985 Jun; (3):273-5.

Yagi A, Shida T, Nishimura H. Effect of amino acids in Aloe extract on phagocytosis by peripheral neutrophil in adult bronchial asthma. Arerugi. 1987 Dec; 36(12):1094-101.

Aloeride® is useful when taking Non-Steroid Anti-Inflammatory Drugs

When you injure yourself and get a painful inflammatory reaction in muscles, tendons or joints, you are likely to be prescribed Non-Steroid Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAID) or you may get some over-the-counter yourself. Per year some 25 million NSAID are prescribed in the UK, some 70 million in the USA and some 10 million in Canada.

NSAID are overwhelmingly successful in helping acute and chronic pain. However their use has significant drawbacks: adverse effect on kidneys, asthma gets worse in some people and most importantly NSAID as well as Aspirin cause stomach and duodenal erosions. These can become ulcers, some of which bleed and in some folk who have bleeding ulcers, the bleeding is sufficiently severe to result in hospital admission and may cause death. A US study puts the human impact of NSAID-related gastrointestinal deaths into perspective: the rate is higher than that found from cervical cancer, asthma or malignant melanoma. [G Singh. Recent considerations in nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug gastropathy. American Journal of Medicine 1998 105(1B): 31S-38S.] Quite an eye opener by any standards.

Good doctors prescribing NSAID try to balance their benefits and harms. So you may get so called gastroprotective medication (e.g. Misoprostol, PPIs and H2RAs) to try and offset the commonest side effect of NSAID. Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) and H2 Receptor Antagonists (H2RAs) cause acid-suppression. This means there is less acid to irritate the erosion or ulcer. However, this co-medication does not give your body any tools to heal that iatrogenic NSAID-related lesion. It merely forces a lesser irritant during ongoing erosive onslaught.

Rather than just lowering acidity, which you actually need for a proper digestion of foods, it would be an extremely sensible approach to take a mucosoprotective agent that accelerates the healing of existing gastroduodenal ulcers and may prevent them in the first place. That specific agent is Aloeride® aloe vera capsules at a minimum of 2 capsules a day. There is plenty of good research to support this approach. [Blitz, J.J.; Smith, J.W.; Gerard, J.R. Aloe Vera Gel in peptic ulcer therapy; Preliminary report. Journal of the American Osteopathic Association. 1963.62.731-735.; Galalee, Kandila, Hegazy E, El Ghoroury M, Gobran W: Aloe Vera and gastrointestinal ulceration, J Drug Res Egypt 7:73-77, 1975.; Gupta MB, Nath R, Gupta GP, Bhargava KP: Antiulcer activity of some plant triterpenoids, Indian J Med Res 73:649-652, 1981.; Kandil A, Gobran W: Protection of gastric mucosa by Aloe Vera, J Drug Res Egypt 11:191-196, 1979.; Koo, M.W.L. Aloe Vera; anti-ulcer and anti-diabetic effects. Phytother Res. 1994. 8(8). 461-464.]

In the UK those 25 million prescriptions resulted in 12,000 NSAID-related hospital admissions which resulted in 2,600 deaths. Those 70 million USA prescriptions resulted in 100,000 NSAID-related hospital admissions which result in 16,500 deaths. Now bear in mind that these figures occurred despite doctors being mindful of the harms and co-prescribing gastroprotective medication in line with present medical guidelines. These numbers represent people who thought they would be alright taking NSAID. And these are only the ones that needed hospitalisation, the number of people who actually had symptoms of erosion/ulcers but weren’t seen beyond Primary Care is of course much higher. [statistical data from Bandolier Journal]

Alternatives to NSAID come in the form of enteric coated proteolytic enzymes and some of these have a lot of good research behind them. All well and good but for sledgehammer effect NSAID remain unbeaten. So the occurrence of NSAID-related stomach and intestinal erosion/ulceration is unlikely to change and in the famous words of Clint Eastwood (Dirty Harry) you can be asked “Do you feel lucky?” Because for 12,000 people in the UK and 100,000 people in the US it didn’t pan out that well and the families of 2,600 Brits and 16,500 Americans now put one less plate on the dining room table every evening. Excellent analgesics and anti-inflammatories NSAID may be, but there is a price to pay.

Present Medical Directive guidelines cause significant cost in human terms as well as in financial terms. In addition to the cost of NSAID themselves, the cost to the National Health Service for NSAID-related gastrointestinal adverse effects is some £331 million in co-prescribing and some £36 million in hospital costs.

If you are on NSAID and are feeling slight nausea or abdominal discomfort then you have ulcerative erosion. At this point you can just hope that repair may happen by suppressing acidity or you give your body an (additional) agent that accelerates the healing and may even prevent NSAID-related gastroduodenal ulcers. Aloeride® is privately prescribed by doctors and therapists but also can be purchased securely via the internet.

Aloeride Has Anti-Diabetic Potential

Plants have been used as a source of medicine through out the years of time. The use of plants in treatment of various human ailments has been noted in many of the ancient Indian literature. There are about 45,000 plant species in India and several thousands have been used as medicine because of the purported medicinal properties. In the last few decades the studies performed on the plants mentioned in the literature or were used traditionally for diabetes have shown to actually have anti-diabetic properties. The study reviews 45 of the anti-diabetic plants and their products have shown experimental or clinical anti-diabetic activity. The most commonly studied and the most successful of these plants used in association of diabetes and their problems are the Allium cepa, Allium sativum, Aloe vera, Cajanus cajan, Coccinia indica, Caesalpinia bonducella, Ficus bengalenesis, Gymnema sylvestre, Momordica charantia, Ocimum sanctum, Pterocarpus marsupium, Swertia chirayita, Syzigium cumini, Tinospora cordifolia and Trigonella foenum graecum. A varying degree of hypoglycemia and anti-hyperglycemic activity were shown in a variety of degrees in all of the plants.

In preliminary clinical and experimental observations, the dried sap of the al0e plant is a traditional remedy used for diabetes in the Arabian Peninsula. In fact it is one of the many traditional remedies used in diabetes in the Arabian Peninsula. 5 patients wit non-insulin-dependent diabetes and in Swiss albino mice were studied. With one half teaspoon of the aloes ingested daily for 4-14 weeks, the fasting serum glucose level fell in every patient from 273 to 151 with no weight gain or loss. In normal mice, the doses of 10 mg twice daily of glibenclamide and 500 mg twice daily of aloes induce hypoglycaemia (an abnormally low level of sugar) after 5 days. 71 from 91, versus 130 in the control animals only glibenclamide was effective after 3 days. Glibenclamide and aloes noticeably reduced the fasting plasma glucose in the diabetic mice after 3 days. Only the aloes was useful after that and by day number 7, the plasma glucose was 394 versus 64, in the controls and 726 in the glibenclamide treated group. The conclusion to this study was aloes contains a hypoglycaemic agent, which lowers the blood glucose, however the specific cause is unknown.

In this study the objective is to perform a methodical review of the published literature on the effectiveness and the safety of the use of herbal supplements, vitamins and minerals, and therapies as glucose control in patients with diabetes.

An electronic literary search was perform of Medline, Oldmedline, Cochrane Library Database, and performed hand searches and consulting with experts in the field. This study also included any available clinical studies involving human participants and examined glycemic control. When data had been extracted in a consistent manner, two independent investigators assessed the procedural quality of the randomized controlled trials using the Jadad scale.

The Results found a total of 108 trials examining 35 herbs, whether single or in combination, and 9 vitamin/mineral supplements, which involved 4,565 patients with diabetes or weakened glucose tolerance. The criteria was met and analyzed. There were 58 controlled clinical trials, 42 were randomized and 16 were non-randomized trials, which mostly used patients with type 2 diabetes. Of the 58 trials, the direction of the evidence form improved glucose control was positive in 76%, which equals to 44 of the 58. Very few adverse effects were reported.

The Conclusion is still insufficient evidence to draw definitive conclusions about the effectiveness of individual herbs, however they do appear to be safe. With the data available it does suggest several of the herbal supplements need further study because of their positive results in the preliminary trials. These are Aloe vera, vanadium, nopal and a few others.

With Aloeride containing pure Aloe vera it is safe to say, the findings show positive results in lowering glucose among type II diabetics, and it has been found to be safe to take. Check into the other qualities of Aloeride with pure Aloe Vera. You just might be surprised.