Monday, June 9, 2008

Aloeride. Probiotics, and Overtraining

The exercise bug has bit many of us in the world today, but some of us will go overboard. You may know them, they are at the gym 3 or 4 times a week giving it their all. Many people who are training 3 or 4 times a week could experience overtraining.

Overtraining can be described as burnout or chronic fatigue. It is an imbalance of physical and psychological training or competition. Early stages of overtraining can be from too much exertion and no enough breaks. This is called the orthosympathetic form. In the advanced stages your orthosympathetic form is exhausted, which allows the parasympathetic system to become dominant.

The orthosympathetic overtrainee is in a permanent fight or flight mode, which should be incidental challenges where the adrenal gland will pump out hormones like adrenaline, noradrenaline and cortisol while raising the human growth hormone and stimulating the thyroid hormone. These glands are the spinters of the group of glands; they are not designed to cope with the longevity of a marathon.

The parasympathetic overtrainee will mimic some of the symptoms of Addison’s disease. Some times it is referred to as Addisonoid overtraining. The adrenal glands are exhausted and they fail to regulate hormonal concentrations correctly, which causes a serious problem. If routine blood work were to be performed on the overtrainee, it is likely to show progressive anemia with low hemoglobin and low hematocrit.

The overtrainee will complain of underperformance while other common symptoms are susceptibility to common infections and injuries, persistent high level of fatigue, heavy muscles and depression. The athlete’s reaction to underperformance is to train more rather than rest. Many times symptoms will be ignored until performance is affected on a regular basis.

Additional symptoms of overtraining is having trouble going to sleep or waking up in the middle of the night or waking up un-refreshed. Other symptoms can include the loss of appetite, loss of weight, loss of their competitive drive, increased emotional instability such as anxiety, depression and mental exhaustion, a poor attitude to training and musculoskeletal soreness.

There is a simple do-it-yourself method of monitoring. You can do this by checking your morning heart rate. Take your pulse immediately after you wake up while you are still in bed. If your pulse is elevated by more than 8 beats per minute above its average, you are falling into overtraining.

You can also check your morning body weight; your average weight for the week should not vary more than 2lbs. If it drops more than 3lbs. on any given day, you are falling into overtraining.

To correct your condition, the first thing you need to do is to lower your stress load and increase your down time. In severe cases, the athlete should stop training for 7-14 days. Increase the amount of sleep to about 9 hours of solid sleep a night and increase your antioxidant intake to 200%.

You will also need to combine a whole food diet and Aloeride and probiotics. Many athletes have trained for 3 or 4 times per week without giving their bodies the fuel it requires to continue with that amount of training. Improving the immune system of the athletes help reduce the number and the length of the infection they may receive. Aloeride along with probiotics will do just that.

Anyone suffering from an imbalance between physical and psychological stress should change their balance and use Aloeride, probiotics and highly absorbable whole food nutrition to recover.

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